
Poll Bot Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Poll Bot not responding to me?

This is most likely because Poll Bot does not have the correct permissions in the channel you are trying to use it in. Poll Bot requires: Read Messages, Send Messages, Add Reactions, Embed Links, and Read Message History.

Even if Poll Bot has a roll that enables all of this, channel or category specific permissions might override the role permissions, so make sure the channel and category permissions also give Poll Bot these permissions.

If you have double checked that Poll Bot has all of these permissions in the role, category, and channel, and Poll Bot is still not responding, check to see if it is offline. If you go to Poll Bot’s profile and it doesn’t have a green dot (as shown in the picture below), it is offline. Please join the Poll Bot support server and ping @finn#1327.

Poll Bot Online Indicator

How do I create a poll?

Reaction Poll

Create a reaction poll by typing +poll your message. Poll Bot will automatically add the reactions 👍, 👎, and 🤷‍♂️.

Create a reaction poll with multiple options by typing +poll {title} [Option1] [Option2] [Option3], with up to 26 options.


Create a strawpoll by typing +strawpoll {title} [Option1] [Option2] [Option 3], with up to 30 options.

How do I get rid of ads?

You can purchase Poll Bot Premium for $5 per month here: https://www.patreon.com/pollbot

How do I invite the bot to my server?

You can use this link to invite Poll Bot to any server you are an admin in: https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=298673420181438465&permissions=84032&scope=bot

What permissions does Poll Bot require?

Read Messages, Send Messages, Add Reactions, Embed Links, and Read Message History.

Can I make the bot only be used by certain ranks or staff members?


How do I change the prefix?

You cannot.

Is there a setting that prohibits people from voting more than once?

Not on reaction polls, but if you use strawpolls (+strawpoll {title} [option 1] [option 2] […]) people are limited to one vote (to the extent strawpoll.com can enforce).

It looks like the bot is Offline, what can I do to get it back Online?

Please join the Poll Bot support server and ping @finn#1327.

Need More Help?

Join the Poll Bot support server and ask for help in the #support channel.